Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Nitric Oxide

Your Cardiovascular Wellbeing Is Vital For Your Life. It Is Your Choice To Have More L-Citrulline. Voila! Eat The Rind Of Watermelon Too. Do Not Forget It. Rind! L-Citrulline Is Ready To Act In Your Body As A Source Of Nitric Oxide. Is It Good? Remember, Citrulline Has Wonderful Potential For Improving General Arterial Health. Your Arterial Health Is Important To You!Drink! Drink! But Enough, Watermelon Juice. If You Do It. You Get 1 Or 2 Grams Of L-Citrulline Daily. Do Not Forget You Want To Help To Your Endothelial Cells. It Refers To The Cells That Line Up The Blood vessels (Your Blood Vessels' Enlarging Or Tightening Is Of Paramount Importance. Do You Know Where You Find L-Arginine? You Will Find It  in a number of common foods, including meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and nuts.

There are different types of watermelon. For example, Jamboree is one of those types. It has 3.1 mg of citrulline per gram.Your wish in this regard speaks first. If you wish to eat 11 oz. of Jamboree rind, you are free, but we say, this quantity will result in about 1 g of citrulline.

L-Citrulline Is A Precursor Of L-Arginine.

Watermelon Has L-Citrulline. L-citrulline Supplementation Can Reverse The Endothelial Dysfunction. Citrulline Is Synthesized As A By-Product. This By-Product Is In The Conversion Of Arginine To Nitric Oxide. It Can Alos Be Synthesized From The Amino Acid Ornithine.

L-arginine, As The Therapy Of Choice For Enhancing NO. It Is Also Derived From Diet And Turover Of Cellular Proteins

L-arginine is one of the more metabolically versatile amino acids. It gives rise to nitric oxide (NO), urea, ornithine, citrulline, creatine, agmatine, glutamate, proline and polyamines.L-arginine is the natural substrate of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) for generating nitric oxide (NO).


Nitric Oxide is one of the most important molecules of your body. It was selected as the molecule of year in 1992. NO supports a number of areas of human health, most notably cardiovascular function.

Nitric oxide is a free radical gas that optimizes blood flow circulation in humans.L-arginine is an indispensable amino acid and it functions as a pioneer (forerunner ) to nitric oxide
1.9 mg of Citrulline per gram of weight of Watermelon. A cup of watermelon is about 154 grams or 290 mg of Citrulline
In 1998, three americans received the Noble Prize in medicine, Dr. Robert Furchgott, Dr. Farid Murad and Dr. Louis Ignarro. The received this prize because of their achievements in the nitric oxide (NO). Vasodilators dilate blood vessels When our blood vessels can be expanded, it means more blood can flows to our muscles. When our blood vessles get more blood flow, it means the more nutrients (protein, creatine etc..) are flowing in the blood. Nitric oxide (NO) is very important vasodilator. NO, the molecule of the year in 1992, is produced from the amino acid L-arginine by the enzymatic action of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Nitric Oxide (NO) is a major signaling molecule in neurons and in the immune system.Nitric oxide via cyclic GMP can also regulate protein kinase G activity, protein phosphorylation and numerous other biological processes.

Antioxidants Are The Body's Defense System. They Buffer The Effects Of Free Radical Damage To Our Cells Caused By Oxidation

An Fascinating Romantic Relationship In Between L-Arginine & Pomegranates

Pomegranate Juice Polyphenols Can Reduce The Activity Of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) . This Middle Eastern Fruit Has Flavonoids . These Flavonoids Causes That The Strategic Endothelial Cells In Our Blood Vessels Produce Prostacycli, A Vasoactive Factor And A Potent Vasodialator, And Inhibitor Of Platelet Aggregation And Cell Adhesion. 

Pomegranates Contain A Complex Mixture? A Complain Mixture Of What? They Have A Complex Mixture Of Gallaotannins, Ellagitannins, Ellagic Acid And Antocyanins. Do You Believe That The Peels Of Pomegranates Contain The Most Antioxidants, And They Can Be Released In Abundance While We Are squeezing The Fruits For Juicing?

Have You Ever Heard About The Paraoxonase? Yes, I mean Paraxonase. It Is An Enzyme. What Is Doing This Enzyme? But Remember, If You Drink Pomegranate Juice, This Fruit's Juice Will Enahnce The Activity of Paraxonase. What Is The Result? It May Protects Against Lipid Oxidative Damage
Pomegranate, You Want To Eat.  It Is A  Source Of The Hydrolyzed Tannins Punicalagin, Ellagic Acid, And Gallic Acid.Pomegranates Are High In Polyphenols. The Most Abundant Polyphenols In  Pomegranates Are Hydrolysable Tannins.

Can You Imagine That  A Pomegranate Is  A Wealth Of Bioactive Compounds? Can You? Aside From Being A Good Source Of Vitamins (B1, B2, C and Niacin) And Minerals (Particularly Potassium), It Is Rich & Rich In Anthocyanins And Hydrolyzed Tannins.
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1 comment:

  1. Nitric Oxide is one of the key in the noble-prize winners like Dr. Murad and Dr. Ignarro on their research about L-Citrulline and which L-arganine is definitely safe for our body that can help a natural blood flow which helps our heart too.
